Trust The Seasons

Nature doesn’t rush, so why do we?

The current system doesn’t work.

Are you burned out, stressed out, ticking off to-dos, trying to control the outcome and trusting everyone else’s opinion but your own?

If so, you’re in the right place.

I’m here to show you the alternative and it’s way easier than you think: attune to nature and the rhythms of the Universe. Everything works in cycles, and we’re no different. By honouring the seasons of nature (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter) through the lenses of the moon, our bodies and the stars, we honour our needs and trust the seasons of our life.

If this feels intruiging …

Trust The Seasons is
designed with you in mind.

Align to your Feminine Magnetism Attune to your Body Trust the Seasons of your Life

Trust The Seasons is a 3-month intentional group experience to honour the phases of nature, the moon, your menstrual cycle and the stars so you can start living life bravely on our own terms, asking for what you need and actually trusting that everything is working out for you while being surrounded by other sensationally inspiring women.

This free training is just a taste: 3 days of attuning to your body, its desires, and revealing the roadmap to making your life epic.

This training includes:

Day 1: Attune

Day 2: Vision

Day 3: Become

Attune to your body

Day 1

lunar temple

As the tides rise under the full blue moon in Aquarius …

… turn off the noise of the outside world and attune to your inner anchor.

What’s rising within you?

In this 90 minute guided dance ceremony, you’ll be guided through intuitive movement back to your inner magik, back into your body while being lovingly supported every step of the way. Let your body reveal what desires to be explored, expressed and embodied right now in this season of your life.

Are you ready to dance home to your body?

align to your magnetism

Day 2

vision session

Now that you’re attuned to your body …

… you’re invited to sit back and receive your vision with ease.

What wants to be created?

Instead of logically and practically planning what you’re told life should look like, you’ll be guided through a meditation to activate your inner vision for what you want life to feel like.

Create the vision for your mission.

trust the seasons

Day 3

the tools

Nature doesn’t rush, so why should we?

… now that you’re attuned to your body and aligned to your mission, you’ll be guided through tools to help you actualise your vision into reality.

“ How do I get there? ”

In this 45 minute session, you’ll receive tools to connect to nature’s rhythms so you can trust the seasons of your life. You’ll also receive an early bird discount to the full 3-month group experience of Trust The Seasons (starting 4th September) .

Become the vision you dream of.

certified astrologer | theta healer® | women’s circle facilitator | self-leadership guide | guardian of cacao

Hey, I’m Foxey!

I empower you to reclaim your time, energy and life by helping you to Devote to Self. Together, we open the gate of your heart to let your Inner Magik radiate through you so you can stand proudly in a life you have actively chosen.

I know what it feels like to dim your own light so someone else can shine. I know what it takes to finally honour yourself and your divine gifts.

In this 3 day training, you’ll leave deeply in tune with who you are and what you want from life.

For You If You Want To:

  • Remember that your body is your own to explore as you please

  • Feel more confident in your body and the way it moves

  • Let go of the idea that you’re ‘too much’ for this world

  • Connect to your sensuality

  • Connect to your sexuality

  • Connect to your intuition

  • Stand taller and take up more space in your life

  • Reclaim ancient magik from your bones beneath your consciousness

  • Finally take off the armour of the male gaze and feel your body for you

  • Heal ancestral trauma around body autonomy and conservatism

  • Step out of the cage of needing to perform and inviting in experience

  • Walk through life with wider eyes + an even deeper connection to the divine

FREE Training Details:


3-Day Live Training on Zoom
Exclusive Facebook Portal



£ 0


Monday 19th - Wednesday 21st August

(Starting Full Blue Moon in Aquarius)

Day 1: Attune to Your Body (Lunar Temple)

Day 2: Align to Your Magnetism (Vision Session)

DAY 3: Trust the Seasons of Your Life (The Tools)