Hi, I’m Foxey

I’m a certified astrologer, thetahealer®, women’s circle facilitator,  self-leadership guide, and guardian of cacao.

I am the founder of the inner magik movement where we

devote to self + radiate authentically

so you can choose your life and let your dreams chase you.

I empower you to reclaim your time, energy and your life by helping you Devote to Self. We let your Inner Magik radiate through you so you can stand proudly in a life you have actively chosen.

My Story

When I was little, I’d make duvets for fairies in my garden and dream about who I might be one day. I believed in possibility.

Then ‘life happened’ and I was told it was time to grow up and become what I was supposed to be as a woman: chosen and productive. I spent 10 years shapeshifting myself into various forms to be liked, desired and loved by others.  Yet each time - something was missing. I was lost, tired, anxious, pretty depressed, judgemental, and 100% looking for an answer.

So, as she always does, the Universe delivered and ‘accidentally’ guided me to my first women’s circle. It was in that circle that I cried and recognised that I’d been pretending for the last decade to be anyone but myself.  And so it began…  the quest to reclaim my inner magik.

In these circles, I discovered something called Astrology:  a language of the stars that in essence, reflects how you feel to paper. Its beauty is so much more poetic than that, but if you’re reading this, you’re probably tired of tick boxes and simplistic zodiac memes, so I’ll cut straight to it.

What is Astrology to me?

Astrology isn’t 60 minutes to translate your soul, but a slow homecoming as you dance with the love of your life in your kitchen on a Sunday night. 
The love of your life being you.

I bring the folklore of the sky to life before your eyes and invite you to rest in the enoughness of being you. 

Through storytelling, imagery, colours, textures, and landscapes, you meet the divine within you, while never leaving your humanness behind.

Because all of you is worthy of receiving.

You deserve to live life on your own terms.

And most of all, you deserve to feel authentic, alive, and aligned in your inner magik.

Welcome Home x



+ Beliefs +




= Radiance

Your Inner Magik

Fun facts about me

How I Devote To Self + Radiate Authentically

My Glimmers:

  • Baking

  • Coming out of the ocean wide-eyed and bushy tailed

  • Dinner parties with friends

  • Fresh sheets + early nights

  • Sea breeze

  • Outdoor fires

  • Cuddles on the sofa

  • Being inside on a rainy day

  • When the sun peaks around onto my balcony at 5pm on a summer’s day

My favourite life hack

A friend of mine lives on the other side of the world (schedules + time zones never match), so, whenever we think of each other, instead of feeling guilty we’re not constantly checking in, we just send a 🤎 to let the other one know we’re thinking of them.

Ways to work with me

Theta Healing®

Energy-based healing sessions that replace your subconscious limiting beliefs with positive empowering ones allowing you to actually heal and thrive.




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