What is Theta Healing® ?

Theta Healing® is a holistic healing technique that removes limiting beliefs and replaces them with positive and empowering ones. Backed by quantum physics and supported by spirituality, this meditational process works with the theta brainwave improving your mind, body, and spirit to enable you to create a life for yourself where you can truly thrive.

How Does It Work?

Everything we experience starts and ends with what we believe we are capable of doing or worthy of having (aka our belief systems). These beliefs unconsciously create what we think about, how we feel, and what we do with our time (aka thoughts and feelings and actions). And so the reality we experience daily is created.

Beliefs create Thoughts create Feelings create Actions create Reality

A Theta Healing® session slices through each layer to the centre of the limiting belief where we will identify the root of the problem you are facing. You will then be guided into a state of ultimate relaxation (theta state) where this limiting belief is then released and replaced with an empowering one. From here, you will be able to take more empowered day-to-day actions to create the life you dream of having.

Choose your life and let your dreams chase you

Theta Healing Helps With:

  • Healing Emotional Trauma

  • Transforming Triggers into Teachings

  • Improving Physical Health + Your Relationship To Your Body

  • Resolving Fears / Phobias That Are Invading Your Joy

  • Alchemising Resentments / Regrets That Feel Immovable

  • Demystifying Communication Blocks

  • Clearing Manifestation / Abundance / Money Blocks

  • Connecting to Your Intuition / Higher Self

  • Soothing Self-Sabotaging Behaviours + Insecurities

  • Building Self-Confidence / Self-Worth / Self-Acceptance / Self-Love

  • Resolving Relationship Conflicts

… and so much more !

  • Theta Healing® welcomes all who are ready and willing to heal and empower themselves regardless of religion, gender, race, or sexual orientation.

  • Theta Healing is designed to work alongside conventional medicine.

  • Theta Healing® was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 while she was experiencing a debilitating tumour in her right leg. Through Theta Healing® she encountered an instantaneous healing and has been sharing this method worldwide ever since.

    More information about Vianna’s story can be found in her book or via www.thetahealing.com.

  • If your question hasn't been answered on this page, simply send us an email at theinnermagik@gmail.com and we'll get back to you within 48hrs.