Solar Return Circles

The ultimate bespoke birth-day experience for you and your friends to celebrate all that you are

From the moment you take your first breath, life as you know it begins.

Each year (on your birth-day), you have an opportunity to reflect, regroup, and re-establish your foundations for the year ahead. Solar return circles are the perfect check-in portal to be witnessed & celebrated as you transition towards your next spin around the sun.

Each circle is entirely unique to the solar spinner (that’s you!) depending on your deepest desires for your celebration.

Maybe you’re calling in radiance, so you dream of friends wearing gold; or perhaps you’re letting go of an intense past year, so we do a water ritual together beforehand. Whatever your wish, your cosmic constitution will be met with the most heavenly human expression lovingly supported by myself and all your closest friends.

All of these things will be discussed ahead of the big day, so when it comes to your birthday, all you have to do is lean back and receive the reflection of your inner magik.


  • Optional Vision Boarding

  • Flowers / Altar Space

  • Guided Meditation / Intentional Bespoke Rituals

  • Foxey’s Space Holding

  • Unique magikal details yet to be unveiled…

Please get in touch directly here if you are interested in bespoke Bridal Blessings, Mama’s Blessings or Break Up Circles.

What they are saying

  • "Everybody wholeheartedly trusted her and leaned into the experience"

    “I met Foxey at a solar return circle she was hosting for a friend of mine last year, where I was immediately captivated by her essence. The entire experience was so empowering that I felt compelled to have my own circle for my 27th birthday and it was truly a privilege to have Foxey host it.

    I was feeling particularly nervous on the day as I was anticipating a lot of emotions coming up within the circle. As soon as Foxey walked through the door, my worries went away, as her warm, motherly energy filled my home. Before the circle, Foxey and I did a water ritual in order to rid myself of any fears I had going into the next year of my life. She introduced me to the magik ritual of drinking cacao too. It was an honour to have some one-to-one time with her and soak up her abundant knowledge.

    The majority of my guests were new to women’s circles but within minutes of being in Foxey’s beyond capable hands, everybody wholeheartedly trusted her and leaned into the experience. I was made to feel completely held and deserving of receiving all of the love from Foxey and my friends.

    Foxey has the ability to make every person in a room feel safe to express themselves, in a way that enables beautiful connections and meaningful moments between them. My solar return circle was one of the most important things I’ve ever done for myself and my personal growth. I could not recommend Foxey more. Even if you are hesitant about the experience, I encourage you to open your mind and heart and allow Foxey to work her magik.”

    — Fiona (Maiden, Singer)

Solar Return Circles

The ultimate bespoke birth-day experience for you and your friends to celebrate all that you are.