The Lunar Codes

The Lunar Codes

Reveal The Codes, Unlock Your Intuition

You know when some days flow perfectly & others feel like “Seriously Universe?!”

What if I told you that was totally normal and in fact right on schedule.

Women are the moon:

We run on a cyclical timeline of spring, summer, autumn, and winter. We need to ebb and flow in order to flourish. When we honour, trust, and become each season, we allow ourselves to thrive through whatever life brings us without shame, guilt or comparison.

Are You …. . .

  • Stressing about the timing of your life

  • Stuck in “Functional Freeze” and lost on how to connect back to your body

  • Trusting everyone else’s opinion on your life but your own

  • Burned out and just a bit lost

  • Struggling to make time for yourself

  • Letting rest fall to the bottom of your to do list

  • Prioritising productivity over peace

  • Low-key hating on your menstrual cycle

  • Don’t have a menstrual cycle, but want to connect to your feminine power

If this sounds like you …

The Lunar Codes is
designed with you in mind.

Devote to Self | Activate Your Intuition | Shine Your Light

The Lunar Codes is a 3-month intentional group experience to unlock the codes of the moon, your menstrual cycle, and the stars so you can learn how to come home to your body, trust your intuition and lead your life with grace.

The Process

Opening Ceremony

Monday 2nd September

Are you ready to vision the life you desire to embody?

How does she dress?
How does she touch her skin?
How does she engage with her work?
How do her relationships feel?
What does her home feel like? Her altar? Her temple?
When does she thrive?

The feminine is about receivership. In this 90 minute session, you’ll vision your life from the tips of your roots, through your body, and into the central sun. You’ll leave feeling energised, with a plan and a foundation to build your life upon.

Each month, we will then manifest using different lunar codes to activate our feminine power.

The Codes

a devotional homecoming

Each month, we devote to our mission through the lenses of each of the lunar codes.

The Moon

Month 1

We start our journey with the outer moon: she who ebbs and flows without shame.

As she pulls the tides of our oceans & nurtures the storms of our emotional bodies, we align to her phases and 30 day cycle to embody her magnetism.

begins Virgo New moon


The Inner Moon

Month 2

This month, we follow this journey inwards (whether you physically bleed or not) as we explore the landscape of our inner feminine archetypes: Maiden, Mother, Maga, Crone.

Together, we embrace the power of each season through this 30 day cycle, as we learn to trust each phase and its necessary potency.

begins Libra new moon



Month 3

This month, we unlock the final lunar code in the enigma: the stars. The moon takes 30 days to move through the zodiac signs (roughly 2.5 days in each sign).

Together, we weave the medicine of each sign through our manifestation process to magnetise our dreams to the here and now

begins Scorpio new moon


the tools

Monthly Magik

lifetime resources

Program Extras

  • Access to an Astrologer in your Pocket with astro updates

  • Access to our Lunar Sisterhood in our Slack Group Chat

  • Optional VIP Package: Monthly 1-1 Theta Healing Support

meet   foxey

certified astrologer | Theta healer® | women’s circle facilitator | self-leadership mentor | guardian of cacao

Hey, I’m Foxey!

I empower you to reclaim your time, energy and life by helping you to Devote to Self.

Together, we open the gate of your heart to let your Inner Magik radiate through you so you can stand proudly in a life you have actively chosen.

I know what it feels like to dim your own light so someone else can shine. I know what it takes to finally honour yourself and your divine gifts.

You’ll leave this program deeply devoted to who you are and what you want.

See you inside!

Foxey x


    • you felt deeply in tune with the world around you

    • you trusted each vision that was planted uniquely in your field

    • you learned the manifestation hack of all hacks to fast-track your dream life

    • you allowed yourself to rest

    • you knew the best times to take action

    • you trusted your body above everything / everyone else

    • you knew how to trust the process

    • you trusted that your body knew what it needed

    • you innately knew how to organise your life so peace was your priority

    • you looked forward to your menstrual cycle (WHAT?!) ... yes, it's possible

    • you could reclaim your body and power through your menstrual cycle and the moon

    • you trusted your body's cravings

    • you could make sense of life's synchronicities


    If any of this sounds delicious, welcome to The Lunar Codes.

  • How this program will help you practically:

    • You'll learn about your body's signals for YES and NO clearly and coherently

    • You'll decondition the shame that's been hovering over you about bleeding every single month

    • You'll learn to listen to your cravings and what they're trying to tell you

    • You'll strengthen your gut intuition

    • You'll learn how to communicate with your loved ones how they can support you

    • You'll learn where to focus your energy

    • You'll learn how and when to rest vs. when's natural to guitar hero your way through work

  • How this program will help you spiritually:

    • You'll learn how to honour and trust the in-between periods and liminal space (not just "love 'n light and hope for the best")

    • You'll practise and learn how to let go of situations / friendships / relationships / beliefs that just aren't serving you (without just ghosting or spiritually bypassing)

    • You align with your feminine energy (in astrology it rules the divine feminine, nourishment, support, rest, receivership)

    • You'll align to the cyclical nature the universe's closest luminary (yes the one that pulls entire OCEANS!)

    • You'll embody the energies of the cosmos and deepen your connection to your birth chart

    • You'll decondition astrology pop culture and reclaim your sun sign

  • Maybe you don't bleed.

    Maybe you don't have a physical womb.

    Maybe you're already super in-tune with your intuition. (yay!)

    HOWEVER ...

    This program is for women. Women who want to devote to themselves a little more deeply, awaken their intuition with more clarity, and shine their light more brightly into the world. If that's you, then come on in!!

Final Details:

Start Date:

Sunday 8th December

Monday 2nd September

End Date:

  • 1x Opening Ceremony (90 mins)

  • 1x Closing Ceremony (60 mins)

  • x3 Heart Moon Mornings (60 mins)

  • x3 Lunar Temples (90 mins)

  • x2 Optional Learning Q&A Seminars (60 mins)

  • Access to Slack Group Chat

  • Access to Foxey Monday-Friday


This Beta Round: £600
Trust the Seasons Alumni: £450 - £500

