Year Ahead Reading

1 hour astrology transit and timing reading that guides you through the challenges and opportunities you may be facing in life, love, work, or purpose.

Life is like a book

Becoming aware of the themes or chapters is like reading your very own contents page. When challenges and opportunities arise, you know how to handle them because you’re aware of the bigger picture.

These readings are trauma-informed so all information shared within the session recognises the central power the client has: their free will. 

You create your own reality with the thoughts, actions, and beliefs you embody. With this in mind, these sessions aim to be as empowering and supportive to your autonomy as possible.

We’ll look at:

  • Collective Transits

  • Personal Transits

  • Your Solar Return Charts

  • Your Zodiacal Releasing

  • Your Progressed Chart

  • Your Natal Chart for clues

  • Specific Date Windows are only offered upon request

What this reading is not:

  • A month by month breakdown

  • 60 minutes of me telling you how to live your life

  • Fortune-telling

For you if:

  • You want to understand the energetics of what life is teaching you right now

  • You want to embody the potential of this season’s magik

  • You want to take the guesswork out of the next year

  • You want to gift yourself or a loved one with something magikal

Year Ahead Reading

1 hour astrology transit and timing reading that guides you through the challenges and opportunities you may be facing in life, love, work, or purpose.
