Birth Chart

90 minute online natal birth chart reading to unlock the universe within you.

if you want a quick fix, close this tab.
if you want a fortune teller, close this tab.
If you want me to tell you how to live your life, close this tab.

If want a gentle homecoming to your soul and inner child through storytelling, look no further.

Your birth chart is a snapshot of the night sky at the moment you were born.

For example, the Sun might have been moving through the constellation of Taurus when you were born, making you ‘a Taurus’... But, c’mon, you’re so much more than that and you know it.

Each zodiac sign is enriched with a story, landscape, colour, and texture.

In these 90 minute sessions, I bring the crayons out and, together, we paint the colouring book of your birth chart. Because you deserve more than an Instagram meme or pop astrology stereotype to describe your journey. You deserve for all of you to be seen, not just scratching the surface.

You could live through your birth chart in hundreds of ways depending on your mindset, choices, lived experience, and age.

That’s why upon booking, you’ll receive a short form to fill out, so I can meet you where you are with a cup of tea and a hug. You can bring patterns to the table that you just can’t seem to shake and we can find where they show up in your birth chart. Alternatively, you can simply sit and receive your inner universe through colours, textures, landscapes, and storytelling.

You’ll Leave With:

  • A tonne of info about your birth chart that’s specific to you

  • Imagery to explain your placements

  • Opportunity to ask any and all questions about any area of your life through the lens of your birth chart (soul mission, love, life, career, energy nourishment, habits, finding your self, etc)

  • Lifetime access to the Zoom recording (so you can watch it back whenever you want to dive deeper)

  • A complimentary 20-minute follow-up session 2 weeks post reading to give you time to integrate the information you receive and ask any burning questions you may have

  • A revolutionary permission slip to be yourself

This is for you if:

  • You’re a visual learner

  • You want to understand yourself better

  • You want to connect to your purpose in this lifetime

  • You’re at a junction or liminal space in life right now

  • You want to take radical ownership of your life

  • You want to feel into your birth chart, not just hear about it

  • You want to be taught how to use your unique guidebook for life, not just be given generic directions and hope for the best

  • You want to activate your inner child and set her free

Birth Chart Reading

90 minute natal birth chart reading to unlock the universe within you.
