The Evolution of Earth Through the Zodiac


You probably already know that each of the zodiac signs is linked to an element: earth, air, water, fire.  

You may also know that the zodiac signs work in a circle starting at Aries and then moving through the rest of the signs of Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces before it’s reborn into Aries again. 

Each sign has its own medicine/lesson (see here) that it passes on to the next sign in the circle so that the evolution of the soul (and zodiac) can continue.  

Still with me?

What you maaaay not know is that there’s also a mini-evolution that happens within each element too!

Baby | Adolescent | Elder Signs

Each element has three categories: a baby sign, adolescent sign and an elder sign.  It’s less about age and more about perspective. The baby sign is experiencing life for the first time through that element.  The adolescent sign is learning the skills of that element.  And the elder sign is refining and teaching that element to the world.


Taurus - experiencing the element for the first time

The baby earth sign

Taurus is the first experience of touch + the physical, that’s why it rules the material world. 

It’s like a toddler playing in the sand and feeling the sensations it as it falls through their fingers.  Or the first bite of chocolate.  Or the smell of coffee in the morning.  Or the relief of familiar hands on your skin. Or the feeling of the bark of an oak tree.


Virgo - learning the skills of the element

The Adolescent Earth Sign

Virgo takes that realisation of the physical and adds in awareness that these things are actually living breathing spirits: working with the oak to help us ground, hawthorn to open our hearts, the mycellium network to understand interconnectedness, etc. 

She (because earth and water signs are yin/feminine) begins to learn the symbiotic relationship between us as humans and the earth’s many living organisms.


Capricorn - refining and teaching the element to the world

The Elder Earth Sign

Finally, Capricorn walks in and goes, “Guys… you’re no different from the tree that’s been stood there for 100 years or the soil in the ground.  You breathe out CO2, trees breathe it in.  They breathe out oxygen, you breathe it in”

She recognises that if we mistreat the earth, we’re mistreating ourselves.  We only have to look at climate change to see who it’s really affecting. Mother earth will still be here much longer than after we’re gone.  That’s the powerful reflection of Capricorn.  We must become the change we want to see in the world.  


But I’m not an earth sign…

Don’t worry, all of these signs live within your birth chart somewhere, and understanding where they sit (aka the house they rule and any planetary activators) can help us navigate the bespoke relationship we have to our reality, routine, habits, choices, and productivity (all things ruled by earth energy).

Why not book a Birth Chart Reading or Somatic Astrology Session to find where earth lives within you?

All my love,

Foxey xx